Thursday, August 31, 2006
joakim gomez
i have to say that i REALLY look up to joakim gomez for having the faith to go through the critisisms and singapore idol..i mean hello singapore is mean enough to put joakim through the next round then you go around the whole world that he's lousy and shit...im not saying that he's the best but thats "sadistic"!...oh puh-leeze!...like you dint know!?!...i mean you have commented that he sucked for sure but can you do any better?!...
i know realise that i was looking for the singapore idol but what i dint realise that ie already found him!JOAKIM GOMEZ!!!!
singapore stars should follow the way joakim handled his way to his dreams and fame...not like commit suicide or quiting!...joakim, if you're reading this,I SALUTE YOU!
please believe me again at 9:24 PM
die for all unfaithfull tomorrows and you shall suffer for your saddistic encounters to the one you liedfully love