Saturday, September 02, 2006
once in a gorey night
Due to the fact that you're gone,i feel kinda emotional rigt now...everything seems to be wrong,im havin a really bad headache and what next...some parts of it makes me feel sadistic to myself in ways i cant explain.Somehow,the weirder side of me arises and its taking over inch by inch...it hurts you know... apart from the fact that you're gone,im missing you so much and it kills me inside!...from every inch of my body...my heart bleeds as i dont know whats happening over there and it has happened before that we ignored each other and i feel ever so awkward...i dont want us to end up wasted...crawling for love crying for peace and dying for sanity...it would be a great pity if we die in a much tragic death then romeo+juliette...well i have yet to come to the heavy state of depression and the aftermath of this which comes on dreary...
and i hope never thy this dreadful thing happen...A painful time for me to accept but yes,thy lad has to leave thy position for a better life in a foreign land in which the sun always sets fourth...and as for me,thy love shall be broken,shattered to the ends of all odds,never shall i believe in this saying;its better to be loved and move on then to not be loved at all...this quote is written for those ever so naive to believe in heartaches and lies which could actually be avoided...but we young lasses and lads choose to fall inlove knowing that they will leave us some day and thy story repeats itself...
please believe me again at 6:07 PM
die for all unfaithfull tomorrows and you shall suffer for your saddistic encounters to the one you liedfully love